Rule of thumb - Provide free shipping
Written By: ShipVista

Free shipping is the most effective incentive you can provide once you have a potential customer's attention to persuade them to purchase.
Nearly 90% of online buyers believe free shipping influences their decision between stores 'very' or 'extremely.'
Does this imply that your website must provide free shipping on all orders to increase sales? Not. And unless your product margins are substantial, doing so won't be profitable. Instead, think about providing free shipping with a minimum purchase.
Set your free shipping threshold higher than a consumer would generally spend (your average purchase value) but not too high to be off-putting to ensure you're padding your margins enough to offset all or most of your shipping costs. Test and improve from a threshold roughly 30% higher than your typical order value as a starting point.
Give customers a range of payment alternatives
The point of checkout is crucial in the purchasing process because this is where buyers' doubts begin to grow. Make completing their transaction as simple and convenient as possible to encourage them to continue. Start by allowing them to select their preferred payment option.
2-in-5 When various payment methods are offered, Canadian consumers are 'very' or 'very' persuaded to purchase.
With a remarkable fulfillment experience, you can use retention and keep customers coming back.
As you have probably heard countless times, it is true that acquiring new customers is more expensive than keeping the ones you already have. Additionally, make an effort to satisfy clients during the fulfillment process if you want to convert one-time buys into loyal patrons.
In e-commerce, fulfillment is frequently the customer's first opportunity to interact with you face-to-face. It can enhance how they view your firm and encourage repeat business if done correctly. When you tell customers you'll deliver on your promise; the fulfillment process begins at the checkout. For Canadian internet customers, it's essential to establish clear expectations regarding delivery timing. A third of customers have avoided repeat purchases from firms that managed their delivery expectations badly. Nearly seven out of ten consumers indicate that clarity on delivery timing influences their purchasing decisions.
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